You should have home and auto insurance as well if you own a home and a car. Both of these items are necessary to protect you against many of the damages that may occur.
This is so you do not have to pay significant out-of-pocket expenses for damages that may occur to your home as a result of a break-in, a natural disaster, or even fire. As for your car, you do not want to lose your hard earned assets in a lawsuit if you are cited to be at fault in a car accident. You also don't want your expensive car to be damaged by some tragedy that results in you having to pay for the damages yourself. Insuring yourself can save you so much money if any of these things occur.
So yes, it is true that having insurance saves money and prevents a lot of headaches from occurring. It is just a matter of knowing how and knowing the right questions to ask. It is a simple thing that is really good to know because you could save 10% or more on your insurance, which can be significant when you take into consideration how much you pay on a yearly basis for your insurance.
If you have home insurance and auto insurance with two different insurance agencies, move one of the policies now. However, there are questions you want to ask first before making the decision as to which policy to move. You want to ask each of your insurance providers how much of a discount they will give you if you bundle the two policies and if the discount applies to the entire amount or the premium of just one policy. Think about these things carefully because you can save money if they will take the percentage off of the entire premium amount instead of just one. However, you may run into the situation where one gives a bigger discount on one policy, so you may have to crunch some numbers to see which is going to save you more.
You may be able to negotiate with them. See which one is able to negotiate and see if you are able to receive an even better discount with one over the other. Once you crunch your numbers and you see who will save you the most money, you can then open either your home or auto policy with the one that will save you the most money and close the policy out with the other provider.
Unfortunately, not all auto insurance providers mention bundling to their customers. Even if the customer only has one policy with a particular provider, it isn't uncommon for that customer to have other policies with other providers. Although the provider may not ask, the customer can ask what would happen if they opened their auto insurance policies, etc. with them. If it is determined that no money will be saved either way, it may still be convenient to move your policies to one provider because your payments will not be so scattered around. All of your payments can be made as one.